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Professional Patio Coatings in Lafayette, LA

In the Lafayette, LA area, we’re lucky to be able to enjoy relaxing and entertaining outside year-round with the beautiful weather we see 12 months a year. If you have a patio, you can make an affordable investment to help prolong the life and add a stunning design to the space with professional patio coating services by Davinci Decorative Concrete. Whether you have a 10’ x 10’ patio in your backyard or your restaurant has outdoor space for 50 tables, we can provide quality work that’s guaranteed to last. Contact us to learn more today.

front of house with pillars

You Deserve a Beautiful Space Outdoors

Outdoor living and recreation areas offer families additional space to retreat for relaxing, entertaining friends, enjoying family dinners, reflecting on nature, and other leisure activities. Patios should be preserved and cared for as much as any of the rooms inside the home, and it shouldn’t cost a lot. Our company offers reliable services that will preserve the life of your patio without costing a fortune. We work with patios of all sizes, shapes, and designs. No matter what your goals are, we can provide a coating that will be functional, durable, and aesthetically pleasing to your tastes.

How Can We Serve You and Your Patio?

We specialize in concrete work of all kinds. This ensures we can assist you with your outdoor patio needs, whether you have an old one that’s weathered and needs to be refurbished or you’re installing a brand new one to improve your outdoor landscape.

Design and Coatings

Concrete is an ideal choice for outdoor patios because of its stability, sturdiness, and long-lasting qualities. Unlike crushed stone, pavers, or other assembled materials, you won’t have to worry about weeds and grass sprouting through a concrete patio. However, you don’t have to limit yourself to a basic slab. Our team will create a custom patio style that includes your preference of colors, polish, and unique designs for a truly eye-catching product.


Does your current patio have stains, cracks, unevenness, or other cosmetic flaws? Our concrete resurfacing work can bring back the luster and new look to outdated patios. It's the perfect opportunity to upgrade the design, add a protective barrier, or change the appearance to replicate stones, pavers, or other materials.


Concrete is an incredibly durable material that can weather the elements and provide years of lasting quality. However, it won't last forever, and chips, cracks, or wear should be repaired to avoid further damage, more expensive repairs, and injuries. We'll assess the condition of your patio, and if it's structurally sound, our crew will provide affordable repairs to ensure you can continue using your outdoor space.

Contact Our Pros for Concrete Patio Coatings

If you’d like to learn more about patio coating, resurfacing, and repair services, contact Davinci Decorative Concrete in Lafayette, LA. We’ll provide you with a complete estimate for our quality work and outline the details of how we can create a beautiful design and lasting coat on your patio. Contact us today.

Contact Davinci Decorative Concrete Today!